There are lots of robot vacuums out there for selection, but what are the best robot vacuums for dog hair or pet hair in general?
A furry friend is a great source of happiness of a family. However, having a dog also means having an unyielding amount of fur scattered everywhere in your home. This little friend is lovely but surely adds more housework.
When it comes to pet hair, I believe all vacuums can handle that.
The only problem is to pick the right robot vacuum that not only picks up all the hair of your dogs or cats but also works well on all kinds of platforms.
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Which Robot Vacuum is Best for Dog Hair?

Want to find the right robot vacuum for you and your pet?
You’ve come to the right place!
After asking a dozen of pet owners about their favorites, I’ve finally rounded up some options in the following that can keep your house clean without using too much effort.
1. Roomba 675
If you want a robot vacuum having good operation and affordable price, keep your eyes on this option. It offers a long battery life and surface versatility, plus other new features such as Alexa, Google Home, and WiFi. Consider Roomba 675 for a fur-free home as always, no matter how much hair your dog may shed every day.
This Roomba can also clean up toy fluff that you’ve missed from the previous night. The operation sound is quiet enough to not scare your furry baby away. Any pet owner on a tight budget should get this mid-range option – with just an affordable price, it works pretty well. It will remove all the hair on the floors and even on furniture.
Contact the iRobot customer service in case your Roomba has any problem that can be solved at home.
Click to know how to clean your Roomba!
2. Roomba I7+7550
If you get annoyed with the fact that you have to empty the vacuum after each time cleaning, this Roomba is the ultimate solution. The I7+7550 will do it for you – once the robot finishes a cleaning session, it will empty the dirt automatically into a disposable bag placed inside the charging dock. The bag can hold dirt of 60-day vacuuming, so you don’t have to do anything but to schedule the cleaning tasks for your device.
In addition, Roomba I7+7550 can memorize multiple floor plans thanks to its mapping technology. Now, this tiny yet powerful assistant will assure to give your house fur-free space every day.
See also: BEST 2 Roomba robot vacuums with mapping
If you can’t afford expensive Roombas, check out this cheaper I7+ model.
3. Roomba I3+
Here comes another choice for users who prefer slightly less expensive self-emptying vacuums.
Just one press, Roomba I3+ will perform all the jobs itself. It will go back to the charging dock a couple of times to empty its dustbin and recharge. But before turning on your device, remember to check your floors and make sure there are no obstacles.
Most owners who having dogs shedding a lot tend to look for the self-emptying robot vacuum because the process of constantly cleaning the bin is such a waste of time and energy. With this model, your cleaning will be more efficient though you do lose some smart features. For example, it’s unavailable to set the “keep out zones” to avoid the vacuum moving to unwanted places, or the lack of an on-board camera for accurate mapping.
4. Roomba S9+
If you’re going to pay for a high-quality robot vacuum with all the features, Roomba S9+ will be worth your investment. It delivers the performance matching its expensive price, especially when dealing with dog hair. Why this model stands out from other Roombas?
You all will impress with its self-emptying Clean Base, which means your robot can automatically empty the dustbin itself when it’s full or when the cleaning task is complete. This kind of feature is awesome because it can prevent the hair from re-entering your home again and again.
Well, this doesn’t end yet!
Roomba S9+ is a Wi-Fi-connected robot vacuum allowing you to make any request using its accompanying app, such as cleaning specific areas of your home, avoiding furniture or people, and more. Schedule the vacuum to do the cleaning and then leave home to walk the dog. This is an excellent feature if your house has dogs who fear vacuum sounds.
5. Roomba J7+
This one is not the strongest choice for vacuuming dog hair; however, the J7+ model still manages to be one the list here. Why? The thing I like about it is that the robot guarantees to avoid pet poop. Featuring obstacle avoidance technology, Roomba J7+ can easily recognize everyday objects around your house, from socks to cables, and then change its direction.
This robot vacuum is one of the smartest I’ve seen. In fact, Roomba j7+’s intelligence helps it avoid solid pet waste. The performance overall isn’t too shabby either – it can deal with a large amount of debris (cereal, kitty litter, etc.) with ease.
Also, you don’t have to empty your robot vacuum between runs. Similar to other models, Roomba J7+ has a compact cleaning base allowing you to store up to 60 days of dust. It might not your 1st choice to handle your dog hair, but you will still be grateful for its smart assistance.
So, that’s our choices for the best robot vacuums for dog hair!
To choose the best vacuum for you and your furry friends, it’s a must to consider a few factors before making a purchase. You have to think about the number of pets living in your house and how much they are shedding. Are your pets long fur or short fur? Are they shedding regularly or just some times?
Moreover, you need a robot vacuum that can support your other cleaning needs as well, such as mopping, not only managing the pet hair.
Ask us anything if you have any question!
I. Love my roomba 675 . Do you do upgrades to a I7 Roomba. I bought my roommate December 2019. Ser# R675020B190611N101346
Hi Susan,
Hope you understand but I don’t do upgrades here!